Materialien > Plastic

Results: 68

When using codings with which no specific material is associated (e.g., 7 to 19 in the case of plastic packaging)?

There are a number of numberings in Decision 129/97/EC that are not yet associated with any material and hopefully will be in the future if the legislature updates the Annexes ...
Last modified on 04/10/2023

Where to confer a cap consisting of cork/wood and plastic?

In the case of composite packaging consisting mainly of cork/wood with plastic (>5%), it should be noted that Annex VII does not provide identification coding for this type of packaging, ...
Last modified on 04/10/2023

How to deal with packaging composed of 50% plastic and 50% non-packaging material (e.g., rubber, latex,…)?

Given the same material composition of a packaging, the principle that is applied is to check on a case-by-case basis, whether one of the materials that make up the packaging ...
Last modified on 04/10/2023

Are the alpha-numeric codes for packaging made of virgin raw material the same also for packaging with second raw material (recycled material)?

The identification codes of the material pursuant to Decision 129/97 / EC are the same both for packaging made of virgin raw material and for packaging made of recycled material ...
Last modified on 24/11/2021

In the case of polymers other than those specified in the decision, should the number “7” be indicated before or after the abbreviation of the polymer?

While for the other codifications the Decision 129/97 / EC reports first the abbreviation and then the number, in the case of polymers other than those specified by the Decision ...
Last modified on 24/11/2021

How to label packaging made from linear low density polyethylene?

Linear low density polyethylene packaging is identified with the same coding as low density polyethylene, i.e. LDPE 4 according to Decision 129/97 / EC. ...
Last modified on 24/11/2021

How to label a packaging consisting of oriented polypropylene?

Oriented polypropylene packaging is identified with the same coding as polypropylene, i.e. PP 5 according to Decision 129/97 / EC. ...
Last modified on 24/11/2021

How are textile fibers identified?

> If the textile fiber consists of a polymer that is also used for other purposes besides the production of fibers, such as polyester or polypropylene, please refer to Annex ...
Last modified on 24/11/2021

How to identify packaging made of plastic, paper and steel?

A package made up in this way is a compound package. To identify the material, the C / prevailing material + number associated with the plastic, paper and steel coupling ...
Last modified on 24/11/2021

How to identify a food supplement blister made of aluminum and plastic?

A package made up in this way is a composite package. For the identification of the material, the C / prevailing material + number associated with the aluminum and plastic ...
Last modified on 24/11/2021