In the case of polymers other than those specified in the decision, should the number “7” be indicated before or after the abbreviation of the polymer?

While for the other codifications the Decision 129/97 / EC reports first the abbreviation and then the number, in the case of polymers other than those specified by the Decision the obligation is to affix the number 7. The polymer abbreviation is voluntary, so there is no specific rule to follow.

In order to provide more detailed information regarding the composition of plastic packaging, and given the large number of different existing polymers that go under the same code “7”, it is in fact possible to accompany the “7” with the abbreviation of the name of the polymer where available. The abbreviations of the main existing polymers are given in the technical standard UNI EN 1043-1.

For example, a polyamide packaging can be identified with: PA 7 or 7 PA.

Last modified on 24/11/2021
