Materialien > Plastic

Results: 68

Are the baking molds for baked goods subject to the obligation of environmental labeling?

If the baking mold is sold together with the product it is a packaging, therefore it is subject to the obligation of environmental labeling. ...
Last modified on 24/11/2021

How do you identify a predominantly plastic composite packaging, where two or more polymers are foreseen? For example a packaging consisting of 30% PET + 20% aluminum + 50% LDPE?

A pack made up of this way is a packaging consisting mainly of plastic with aluminum. For the identification of the material, the prevailing C / polymer + number associated ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

Where should the plastic packaging with code “7” be delivered?

First of all, it should be noted that the identification code from decision 129/97 / EC does not indicate the recyclability of the packaging, but only the material of their ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

How to identify packaging coupled with wax, and where should it be delivered?

If the packaging is made with one of the packaging materials (steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic, glass), coupled or treated with another material, other than packaging, such as wax, it ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

When is a packaging compostable?

The assertion of the biodegradability and compostability of a packaging can be communicated when the packaging complies with the technical standard UNI EN ISO 13432. The biodegradability and compostability certification ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

How to label a plastic film (LDPE), on which a paper label cannot be separated manually?

Regardless of the weight of the label, it must necessarily include: The identification coding of the material as per Decision 129/97 / EC of the main body, that is to ...
Last modified on 21/11/2021

How do you identify a compound with the structure: PAP (44% by weight) + PA (15% by weight) + LDPE (40% by weight)?

This compound is mainly plastic, in particular between the two polymers LDPE is the one that has the greatest weight. Therefore, the encoding will be C / LDPE 81. ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

How do you identify a steel cap with a plastic seal that weighs <5% of the total weight of the cap?

In this case, since the secondary material is <5% of the total weight of the cap, this can be considered as a single material packaging. Therefore it will have FE ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

How do you identify a cap made of two different plastic materials: LDPE pourer and PP cap?

Packaging structurally composed of two or more polymers are identified with the code “7” since Decision 129/97 / EC does not provide for specific codes for these materials. Anyone wishing ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021