Who, what and when > Scope of application
Results: 27
What is the definition of “green claim” (environmental assertion)?
According to definitions added to Directive 2005/29/EC as a result of amendments under Directive 2024/825/EU: in the context of a commercial communication, “green claim” refers to any message or representation ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
Are there “simplified procedures” or exclusions for microenterprises wishing to use green claims?
Directive 2024/825/EU amending Directive 2005/29/EC on Unfair Commercial Practices applies indiscriminately to all communication practices between businesses (of any size) and consumers by providing measures and prohibitions not to mislead ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
If the word “organic” is part of the brand’s name, what obligations does the current legislation stipulate?
Brand names also fall under the scope of the new Directive 2024/825/EU. If such names invoke environmental issues, one must be able to prove their veracity as with any other ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
Is the accession of foreign companies to Directive 2024/825/EU currently optional? Is it possible to predict if and when this will change?
The application of Directive 2024/825/EU amending Directive 2005/29/EC applies to all commercial practices that take place in the European market and thus involve the European consumer. This Directive, in fact, ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
Does Directive 2024/825/EU mandatorily apply to website and social media in addition to product labeling?
It will apply to all business-to-consumer commercial communication practices, including even those on social media and websites. ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
Examples of claims on recyclability and compostability of packaging and/or products.
One store uses the following claim on the wall: “Garments made entirely of organic cotton.” Care must be taken to ensure that it is clearly interpretable exactly which garments are ...
Last modified on 10/01/2025
Does Directive 2024/825/EU apply to B2B practices?
No, Directive 2024/825/EU amending Directive 2005/29/EC applies to business-to-consumer commercial practices (B2C practices). However, it is safe to assume that in the case of business-to-business disputes, the general principles and ...
Last modified on 09/01/2025
Does Directive 2024/825/EU also apply to claims on products such as supplements/pharmaceuticals?
Directive 2005/29/EC (as amended by Directive 2024/825/EU) is a lex generalis and serves as a “safety net” to protect consumers from any misleading commercial practices. It applies in principle to ...
Last modified on 09/01/2025
What is the geographical scope of Directive 2024/825/EU?
The application of Directive 2024/825/EU amending Directive 2005/29/EC applies to all commercial practices that take place in the European market and thus involve the European consumer. In fact, the Directive ...
Last modified on 09/01/2025
What is the scope of Directive 2024/825/EU amending Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices?
The provisions and prohibitions apply to any business-to-consumer (B2C) business practice through any medium (product claims, web, advertising, etc.). ...
Last modified on 09/01/2025