Etichettatura > Recyclability

Results: 15

Green claims or greenwashing?

Green claims are self-declarations that the producer transmits to the market to communicate the environmental characteristics of a product, and can therefore be tools adopted to guide consumer choice: they ...
Last modified on 04/10/2023

What is the significance of the Mobius cycle?

The symbol, without a percentage share, indicates the recyclability of the packaging, while with the percentage share it gives information on the quantity of recycled material contained in the packaging ...
Last modified on 24/11/2021

Is it possible to put the identification codes of the materials in the Mobius cycle?

The Mobius cycle, as explained, makes it possible to communicate an environmental characteristic of the packaging: namely its recyclability, which consists in the possibility of reusing the material obtained downstream ...
Last modified on 24/11/2021

Where should the plastic packaging with code “7” be delivered?

First of all, it should be noted that the identification code from decision 129/97 / EC does not indicate the recyclability of the packaging, but only the material of their ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

How are packaging made of materials other than packaging materials (steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic, glass, compounds and fabrics) identified?

Decision 129/97 / EC provides for identification codes for packaging materials made up of steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic, glass, compounds and fabrics. Therefore, packaging made of different materials cannot ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

What is the difference between recyclability and separate collection?

Packaging can be disposed of in separate collection, whether recyclable or not in the state of current technologies, without prejudice to the good rules for quality separate collection (first of ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

How to identify packaging made from recycled polymers?

Plastic packaging made from recycled polymers are identified with the identification codes of Decision 129/97 / EC, just like polymers of virgin origin. If you want to communicate certain contents ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

Does the color of a plastic bottle impact on collection delivery?

All plastic packaging can be disposed of in separate collection, whether recyclable or not in the state of current technologies, and without prejudice to the good rules for quality separate ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

How to indicate to the consumer that a package goes to undifferentiated collection?

All packaging can be disposed of in separate collection, whether recyclable or not in the state of current technologies, without prejudice to the good rules for quality separate collection (for ...
Last modified on 23/11/2021

Where can an adhesive plastic label that can be manually separated from the main body be disposed of?

An adhesive plastic label that can be manually separated from the main body can be collected in the separate collection of plastic packaging. All packaging can be disposed of in ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021