Etichettatura > Recyclability

Results: 15

How should a package printed with UV inks be delivered?

In the case of packaging made with one of the packaging materials (steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic, glass), coupled or treated with another material, other than packaging (e.g. glues, adhesives, ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

When is a packaging considered recyclable? How to know where it should be conferred?

It is necessary to underline the difference between recyclable and disposable in separate collection. All packaging can be disposed of in separate collection, whether recyclable or not in the state ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

Non recyclable packaging can be separated?

Packaging can be disposed of in separate collection, whether recyclable or not in the state of current technologies, without prejudice to the good rules for quality separate collection (first of ...
Last modified on 19/11/2021

When is it possible to voluntarily claim the recyclability of packaging using the Mobius loop?

The producer can claim the recyclability of packaging using the Mobius loop, in accordance with UNI EN ISO 14021, when the packaging is recyclable under technical standard UNI EN ISO ...
Last modified on 21/11/2021

Is it true that only recyclable packaging can be separated?

Packaging can be disposed of in separate collection, whether recyclable or not in the state of current technologies, without prejudice to the good rules for quality separate collection (first of ...
Last modified on 21/11/2021