If a packaging is made of biodegradable and compostable plastic, what is the correct coding? Does it have to be collected in the plastic collection or in the organic?

Polymers other than those specified in Decision 129/97 / EC, including biodegradable and compostable ones, are all identified with the code “7”.

Optionally, you can choose to accompany this coding with the words “Compostable plastic”.

For example, a polylactic acid packaging can be identified with the code: Compostable plastic 7.

The new decree also specifies that biodegradable and compostable packaging can be collected and recycled with organic waste, only if:

1. are certified in compliance by certification bodies with the technical standard UNI EN 13432;

2. they are appropriately labeled and in particular show:

– the mention of compliance with the aforementioned European standards;

– identification elements of the producer and the certifier;

– suitable instructions for consumers to dispose of such waste in the organic waste recycling and separate collection circuit.

Last modified on 19/11/2021