What is the importance and difference of using or not using a certification (e.g., ISCC) to protect the company from greenwashing?

In general, using independent third-party certification lends more credibility to communication. Relying on public, transparent and verifiable requirements also strengthens the company’s position in demonstrating that it is not greenwashing. In addition, according to the Directive, any sustainability label/logo not based on a certification system will be prohibited. The system must have these requirements:

  • il sistema, nel rispetto di condizioni trasparenti, eque e non discriminatorie, è aperto a tutti gli operatori economici disposti e in grado di conformarsi ai suoi requisiti;
  • system requirements are developed by the system owner in consultation with relevant experts and stakeholders;
  • the scheme establishes procedures to deal with cases of non-compliance with the requirements of the scheme and provides for revocation or suspension of the use of the sustainability label by the economic operator in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the scheme; and
  • il monitoraggio della conformità dell’operatore economico ai requisiti del sistema è oggetto di una procedura obiettiva ed è svolto da un terzo la cui competenza e la cui indipendenza sia dal titolare del sistema sia dall’operatore economico si basano su norme e procedure internazionali, dell’Unione o nazionali.

Last modified on 10/01/2025

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