Example of a green claim related to a reduction in CO2eq emissions.

Ice cream packaging carries the synthetic claim “-26%CO2eqemissions” without any other specification. Such a claim could be misleading because it does not specify whether the reduction in environmental impact refers to the pack, the product, or both; it does not make explicit what the term of comparison is (compared to an alternative product? compared to the previous year’s performance?); it does not explain which life cycle stages the reduction refers to; nor does it explain the calculation methodology adopted.

A correct claim might be, “As of 2021, our ice cream is made entirely from plant-based ingredients. This has resulted in the reduction ofCO2eqemissions by 26% compared to the previous year, considering the entire life cycle of the product. The study was conducted on our ice cream X (including packaging) using the European Commission’s PEF methodology. Learn more about…”

Last modified on 10/01/2025

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