Where should a package containing physiological material be delivered?

A package that contains physiological material, if nominally empty [1] , can be disposed of in separate collection according to the reference material (with the exception of packaging which, due to their intended use, come into contact with biological fluids). It is therefore highly recommended to instruct the consumer to give the packaging to separate collection only if emptied of its contents, and to always check the provisions of your municipality.

[1] Nominally empty means that “The contents of the product have been effectively removed. Removal can be done by drainage or scraping. The fact that there are minimal residues of content in packaging waste does not exclude the possibility of classifying this waste as ‘nominally empty’ and does not prohibit its allocation to subchapter 15 01 packaging waste. A package can be considered completely emptied if in the event of a further attempt to empty it, for example as a result of its overturning, there are no more drops or solid residues “

Last modified on 19/11/2021

The contents of the labeling