In the case of a packaging system that includes a cardboard box that contains an additional packaging in contact with the product, can the environmental labeling be affixed only to the box?

Pursuant to the legislative decree of 3 September 2020, all packaging (primary, secondary and tertiary) released for consumption in Italy is subject to the obligation of labeling.

If the packaging system includes components that can be manually separated from the main body, each of these must necessarily carry the alphanumeric code as per Decision 129/97 / EC and the indications on collection (if the pack is intended for the final consumer).

The environmental labels (at least the alphanumeric coding as per Decision 129/97 / EC) of the different manually separable components that make up the sales unit should be affixed to each component.

Where this is not possible, they may be affixed either to the main body of the packaging, or to another label or any other component that makes the information easily visible to the end consumer.

Last modified on 19/11/2021