In general, what impact will Directive 2024/825/EU have for companies (large, medium and small)?

The Directive will impact businesses essentially in terms of the sustainability claims and marks allowed in the market (there are new prohibitions regarding e.g., generic claims, carbon neutrality claims, vague claims, sustainability marks not based on a “certification system,” etc.) and the evidence allowed to demonstrate the various types of claims/marks (e.g., generic claims such as “environmentally friendly” will only be allowed if you have evidence of “recognized excellence in environmental performance”).

We invite you to consult the Guide https://www.etichetta-conai.com/documenti/green-claims/ and review the dedicated webinar: https://www.etichetta-conai.com/webinar/green-claims-obblighi-e-divieti-presentazione-della-nuova-guida-sintetica-alla-direttiva-2024-825-ue/

Last modified on 10/01/2025

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