How should composite packaging be delivered?

Packaging can be disposed of in separate collection, whether single-material, compound, multi-component, recyclable or not in the state of current technologies, without prejudice to the good rules for quality separate collection (for example, always empty the packaging of its contents, reduce its volume when possible).

Thanks to the CONAI – Supply Chain Consortia system, the packaging that can be sent and used for recycling will follow that specific flow; the others will be used in any case for energy recovery.

The only exception to this rule concerns composite packaging (and / or with components of different materials that cannot be separated manually) with a prevalence of paper, with a percentage of cellulosic material less than 60% of the total weight, which must be collected in undifferentiated collection. The packaging thus constituted, which to date are not recyclable, if disposed of in separate collection and managed in the recycling flow of paper packaging, would weigh significantly on the generation of waste in the recycling process, even implying a greater environmental impact and increased difficulties. management, also to the detriment of the overall quality of the secondary raw material generated by the recycling process.

Last modified on 19/11/2021

The contents of the labeling