What is the Green Dot symbol?

The symbol of the double circular arrow, called the Green Point (The Green Dot) is a symbol of participation and financing of the packaging, thus labeled, to the respective packaging management system but only in those European countries that are components of Packaging Recovery Organization Europe (Pro Europe) and in which there is a system for the recovery and recycling of packaging materials certified at European level.

The CONAI Scheme has not signed a license agreement for the use of the Punto Verde brand in the Italian territory with DSD or PRO EUROPE, and therefore does not have the right to grant this license to its members.

It is considered appropriate to specify that the Green Point symbol does not in any way concern the identification of the recyclability of the packaging or the possibility of placing it in separate collection.

For more information, see the information note here: https://www.conai.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Informativa_Marchio_Punto_Verde_Green_Dot_2020.pdf

Last modified on 23/11/2021

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